Ecological paints in the kitchen

Since he started business (in 1976, when there was no mention yet of environmental certifications and legal restrictions) Gianfranco Arcari worked wood for his tailor-made kitchens and bought only non-toxic German ecological paints, ordering them and receiving them directly from Germany, given that on the packaging of all paints on the Italian market the skull (risk of death symbol) was displayed.
In the founder’s vision, in fact, the house is held as an extension of our body to be, therefore, "dressed" so that it does not damage us, by way of choosing right solutions that create an environment not only beautiful but also healthy for those living inside it.
To stay in the metaphor of fashion, moreover, his kitchen is not designed as a "prêt-à-porter" meant to furnish an environment for some time and to be redone in the following season, but a piece crafted to last a lifetime.

In this long-lasting perspective indeed the choice of using ecological paints takes on importance, since the release of harmful substances characterizing poor quality paints does not happen suddenly and violently but continuously over time at low concentrations, causing eye and respiratory tract irritation.
Of course ecological paints were and still are more costly - as always the quality products and even more those certified - but sense of responsibility towards people and attention to the environment is for Arcari a founding value, such as not to be able not even hypothesize the use of less than perfect materials from any point of view.
This very care, matched with all the other attention made to guarantee the highest quality standards, merged with the tradition and craftsmanship of the company.