Through the looking-glass

Like for kitchens, bathroom furniture cannot be let to be just beautiful to watch. They must hold, instead, precise characteristics so that they can withstand over time. Furniture will be tested both by the environment in which they will be inserted and by use.
Let's start from the last point: compared to most of the furniture in the home, bathroom furniture is used more intensely: every day, several times a day and by different people. Their finishes and their small metal parts will then be quite stressed, and only components of the highest quality will resist well over time instead of rusting, catching up, misaligning and so on.
Of course, it is not easy to recognise at first glance if the hardware components are of quality - especially if you are not of the trade - and that is why you need rely on trustworthy and certified companies, without letting too low prices convince you.

As for the stresses due to the environment, it is clear that the bathroom is very stressed: changes in temperature, humidity - which actually persists for a long time after using a bath or shower - and the microscopic condensation droplets work tirelessly on the furniture. Even the best veneer cannot respond to such stresses in a way that is nearly comparable to that of solid wood. The result will be deformations, misalignments and - in the worst case - a lifting of the surface finishes.
That is the reason why Arcari Arredamenti has decided to always use only wood, 100% from the structure to the doors, finished with beautiful ecological paints without either formaldehyde or metals that are harmful to health.
The processing is all made in Italy, by artisans who guarantee with their experience and their ability the perfection of the finishes. A quality that even before delighting your gaze serves to avoid any infiltration of water, and therefore to ensure the duration over time.